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Plastic Courier Bag Machine Working Process


The detailed process of plastic courier bag machine in production may vary depending on different manufacturers and models, but the following basic steps can usually be summarized. These steps are mainly based on the general working principle of plastic packaging machinery:

Plastic courier bag machine workflow

Raw material preparation: Prepare raw materials such as plastic granules or films to ensure that the quality and quantity of the materials meet production needs.

Material conveying: The plastic raw materials are conveyed to the heating and melting zone by conveying devices (such as screws, conveyor belts, etc.).

Heating and melting: The plastic raw materials are heated and melted at high temperatures to form a molten plastic fluid.

Molding: The molten plastic fluid is molded through a mold to form the initial form of the courier bag.

Cooling and solidification: The molded courier bag is quickly cooled by a cooling device to solidify it and maintain its shape.

Cutting and separation: Use a cutting device to cut the continuously produced courier bags and separate them into individual courier bags.

Collection and packaging: Collect the cut courier bags and pack or box them for subsequent transportation and use.

Quality control and testing: During the production process, the quality of the courier bags is monitored and tested in real time to ensure that the products meet quality standards.

Automatic control: Modern plastic courier bag machines are usually equipped with automatic control systems, which can achieve precise control and adjustment of the entire production process.

Plastic courier bag machine precautions

When using plastic courier bag machines, you should strictly abide by the operating procedures and safety regulations to ensure the safety of equipment and operators.

Maintain and maintain the equipment regularly to extend the service life of the equipment and improve production efficiency. Pay attention to the storage and management of raw materials to avoid moisture, contamination or deterioration of the materials.

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